The overlay and layout of the microplate used in the parameter file is flexible, this therefore suits all applications. The partitioning (layout) and overlay is visualised in the user template and is not fixed. Upto 12 different tests (or standard curves) may be defined on one microplate. Test controls or (standards and concentrations) may be assigned in any position, each individual control / standard is colour coded to aid the user. 16 different control types are at the disposal of the user.
MikroWin uses a multiple layer matrix calculation system to calculate the end results of a test, this allows the most complicated test formula to be broken down to a step by step process. Each result of up to 16 matrixes may be then combined for a complete print protocol. The matrix layer feature can be compared to common table calculation software.
MikroWin offers the user a qualitative distribution with upto 10 different layers (e.g. Poshigh, Pos, Pos low, Doubtful, Neghigh, Neg). Each threshold limit may assigned with a algebraic formula or value. Each flag may also be colour coded allowing easy identification of particular results. The test results may be combined (e.g. Sample ID's, Measurement values, Qualitative) on one screen. Combined results or individual results may be printed, each layer or combination of layers may be defined with its own font, text height etc., allowing the user total flexibility. more
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I am still using it.